Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Top Marketing Trends for 2009

I know the year is halfway over but we could all use some great marketing tips!

Here are five that could help you:

#1. Insight and Innovation Key: Insight and innovation are viewed as keys to combat down economic and business cycles. Some 72% of respondents indicated that innovation efforts would stay the same or increase, while 39% say their use of market research will increase in the next year. This is significant given that most marketing experts agree it’s imperative to innovate and mine insights during a recession, Anderson Analytics said.

#2. Customers at Top of List: Basic customer satisfaction and customer retention remained the top two concepts of interest to marketers, followed by marketing ROI, brand loyalty and segmentation. Together, these represent a move back to the core principles of marketing, Anderson Analytics said. Of the 62 identified marketing concepts, faith-based marketing, six sigma, game theory, anti-Americanism and immigration were viewed as the least important.

#3. Green Marketing and Global Warming Lose Importance:
The issue of global warming showed the largest decrease in importance (dropping 14 places in the rankings), while green marketing showed a statistically significant 5% drop.

#4. Marketers “Sick” of Web 2.0: Twice as many marketers are “sick” of hearing about Web 2.0 and related buzzwords such as “blogs” and “social networking” compared with last year’s survey. However, marketers still admit they don’t know enough about it. This was evident in results from a November 2008 MENG social media study showing 67% of executive marketers consider themselves beginners when it comes to using social media for marketing purposes.

#5. Most Opportunity in China and among Boomers:
China ranks as the #1 greatest area of opportunity (53%) for marketers with international responsibility, while India is a distant second with votes from 17% of respondents.

In terms of the best opportunity for customer targeting, marketing execs also still feel that Boomers hold the most promise. However, the perceived importance of Generation X and Generation Y grew significantly compared with 2008 survey results.

(information pulled from Marketing Charts)

If you or your company needs help with implementing any of these tips, give DEA a call!

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